Artisanal Clothing from Otavalo
Importing beautiful clothing and homegoods, made by the artisans of Otavalo, high up in the Andes, since 1988.
Los Andes Shop
You can find us at fairs and special events. Check our calendar of events to see when we are near you!!
Our textile crafts are beautiful and unique, but above all they tell a fascinating story of success of the people of Otavalo.
Back to the 1600s, Otavalo inhabitants were ruled by the Spaniards and forced to work wool and cotton. From this and other towns in Ecuador, came the majority of the fabrics used during the colonial period. With Ecuador´s Independence in 1822, slavery was abolished and the otavalians started to benefit from their skills in textile craftmanship, look where they are now!!
Taita Miguel Andrango speaks of the evolution of the textile industry here in Otavalo.
Categorized in: Los Andes Shop